Friday, June 10, 2011


For those of you who aren't IRL (in real life) friends of mine, there's something you should know about me. I love to save my family money. (You probably already gathered that, huh?) But couponing isn't the only way I save my family money. You see, I am addicted to yard sales. Love them! So I've decided to start sharing my weekly yard sale finds with you, in hopes that I can convert you as well. So here goes! The title of my post each week will be the total amount I spent that day.

Today, my Mom and I loaded up three kids (my two and my nephew) and headed out. We didn't do grand, but not too bad. Here's what I got:

$1.25 - Four super-cute summer shirts for me! Love finding clothes on the cheap at yard sales!

$3.00 - A golf training thing for my husband. They were asking $5.00, but they took $3.00 (always negotiate!). I have no idea if he needs or wants this, but for $3.00 - I was willing to chance it.

$2.00 - A Mickey Mouse DVD for my son, a slightly used spiced apple candle, a bundle of Christmas cards and a brand new pack of ice trays - the kind that fit into bottle of water. Score!

$2.50 - a darling shirt for my daughter for next summer, a pair of Crocs-like shoes for her (for next summer as well), and a pair of brand-new tights from Children's Place. She'll take a while to grow into these, but they are worth keeping.

I try to buy my kids clothes at least a year or two in advance, and longer if I find the right deals.

I'm heading out again in the morning to several area neighborhood sales, so I'll let you know tomorrow what I find! Happy yard selling, ya'll!

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