Friday, August 5, 2011


So this weekend is the annual 127 Corridor sale!! If you've never heard of it, check it out here. It's the world's longest yard sale, running from Michigan to Alabama. We live not too far from Hwy. 127, so we go every year. This year, my husband was able to get off work today, so we went today and we'll start again tomorrow. We were up at 5:30 this morning, and left the house at 6:30! You could say I'm slightly tired this evening! Here's a breakdown of what we bought:

$2.50 - A stack of clothes for my daughter for next summer. Yay!

$1.00 - A dump truck and a front-end loader for my son. We tried to get him a few things along the way since we were on the road for 12 hours today.

$0.50 - Ten thousand bonus points to the first person who can tell me what these are!

$2.25 - More toys for my son - a dinosaur, a Donald Duck bath toy, a camera (now he can take pictures like Diego!) and a Mickey Mouse fire truck.

$10.00 - An entire set of 30 Value Tales books. Have ya'll heard of these? They tell the life stories of famous people as well as a value like honesty, patience, respect, etc. They were asking $15.00 for the set, but she ended up taking $10.00.

$3.00 - A box of Pokemon cards for my nephew (not pictured because said nephew has already torn into them). I have no idea if this was a good deal or not, but he was thrilled with them!

$100.00 - My husband bought two attachments for his lawnmower - a grader blade and a dozer/plow attachment (not pictured because it's getting dark outside and I'm too lazy to go outside and take a picture of them). We found these at an estate sale. They were priced at $75.00 each, and my husband asked her if she'd take a hundred dollar bill for both. She thought for a minute and said "Sure!".

$35.00 - My husband also bought a Craftsman push trimmer (not pictured for the same reason as above). It's kind of like a weed-eater on wheels. Again, they were asking $70.00, and my husband talked them down to $35.00.

Not bad for the first day. We'll be back at it in the morning, so I'll be back tomorrow night to let you know what we bought!

Happy Friday, ya'll!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are the "California raisins" from Hardees...

Maranda Summers