So it's Friday again, and that means yard sales!! I woke up and checked Doppler Radar this morning and it showed rain all around us. I have never been so glad for them to be wrong! It turned out to be an overcast day - perfect for yard selling! I packed the kiddos up this morning and we hit the road. My best friend's neighborhood was having a sale, so we hit that first, then we hit another friend's sale. We scored some good deals! Check it out!

$2.00 - A brand new Elmo book and a brand new Tug & Giggle Bunny for my daughter, and a almost new bottle of Bath & Body Works lotion for me.

$8.00 - A brand new
Moby Wrap! Score!! These retail for $39.95 on their website, and I had been wanting to try this wrap but haven't wanted to pay that price, so I have been sticking with my tried and true Baby Bjorn with my daughter. I am super excited about this find!

$3.00 - A brand new Children's Place dress (still had the tags on it), two shirt/skirt outfits and a long-sleeved shirt for my daughter. The dress will fit her now, but the others will be put up for next summer/winter.

$1.50 - Two learn-to-read/write Sesame Street workbooks for my son, a giraffe rattle toy for my daughter and a Thomas the Train umbrella for my son (not pictured because a not-to-be-named preschooler won't put it down long enough for me to take a picture of it!).

$11.50 - A TON of clothes for the kids! I scored four shirts and three pairs of jeans for my son and a ton of shirts for my daughter. All of the stuff for her will be put away for a couple of years, but when I find a good deal on name-brand clothes (Gap, Children's Place, Old Navy, etc.), I have no problem buying years in advance. Clothes are expensive, and I love being able to dress my kids well for not a lot of money. I even scored a super-cute dress for me!
So there you have it, friends - my finds today. I spent a total of $26.00 on my loot - not bad considering the Moby Wrap retails for much more than that alone! My husband and I are planning on heading out again in the morning (it didn't work out for us last week, thus the reason there was no Saturday post detailing my finds). Hope ya'll have a great Friday night and find some great deals tomorrow!
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